Cavian Us Army

Neue Armeen, Geländebau
Beiträge: 6054
Registriert: Mi 7. Sep 2011, 00:47
Spielsysteme: Bolt Action, Lion Rampant, Warhammer, XWing_v1, Spectre, Horus Heresy, Mortal Gods, Cruel Seas, Musket&Tomahawk, Silver Bayonet, Rebels & Patriots
Wohnort: Hammersbach

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Zigor » Mo 30. Jun 2014, 12:45

Was so ein paar Abziehbilder und einheitliche Base alles bewirkt :!:
Beim nächsten MalWorkshop machen wir gleich noch einen Foto- / Bildbearbeitungskurs :lol:
Hätte Jesus eine Knarre gehabt, würde er heute noch leben
Homer Simpson, Staffel 24, Folge 9

Beiträge: 2953
Registriert: Do 29. Mär 2012, 22:24
Spielsysteme: Bolt Action, Battlegroup, Warhammer Fantasy/TOW, W40k
Wohnort: Freigericht

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Krautwerk » Mo 30. Jun 2014, 13:15

29th US infantry for the win! :up
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is courage to continue that counts." (Winston Curchill)

Beiträge: 1265
Registriert: Di 27. Mär 2012, 17:00

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Cavian » Mo 3. Nov 2014, 11:12

So hier mal die liste von mir die wir gestern nach battleground europe gezockt haben
+++ New Rosteramis (1246pts) +++
+++ 1250pt Armies of the United States Roster (Platoon)) +++


Armies of the United States (Platoon) Selections:

+ Headquarters + (60pts)

* Platoon Commander (60pts)
* Second Lieutenant (60pts)
Regular (50pts), SMG
* Regular Soldier (10pts)

+ Infantry + (344pts)

* Engineer Squad (Late-War) (134pts)
2x BAR M1918A2 (10pts), Flamethrower (20pts), 7x Veteran Soldier (91pts)
* Veteran NCO (13pts)

* Regular Infantry Squad (Late-War) (70pts)
2x BAR M1918A2 (10pts), 5x Regular Soldier (50pts)
* Regular NCO (10pts)

* Regular Infantry Squad (Late-War) (70pts)
2x BAR M1918A2 (10pts), 5x Regular Soldier (50pts)
* Regular NCO (10pts)

* Regular Infantry Squad (Late-War) (70pts)
2x BAR M1918A2 (10pts), 5x Regular Soldier (50pts)
* Regular NCO (10pts)

+ Infantry Support + (149pts)

* Bazooka Team (78pts)
(Crew (2), Shaped Charge, Team Weapon)
Veteran (78pts)

* Sniper Team (71pts)
(Crew (2), Sniper, Team Weapon)
2x SMG (4pts), Veteran (67pts)

+ Artillery + (80pts)

* Medium Artillery (80pts)
(Crew (4), Fixed, HE (2D6), Team Weapon)
Medium Howitzer, Regular (70pts), Spotter (10pts)

+ Tanks, Tank Destroyers, Self-propelled Artillery and Anti-Aircraft Vehicles + (484pts)

* M26 Pershing (484pts)
(Gyro Stabilized)
Coaxial MMG (Co-axial Weapon), Forward Facing Hull Mounted MMG, Turret-mounted Super Heavy AT Gun, Veteran (484pts)

+ Transports + (129pts)

* M3 Half-track (129pts)
(Open Topped)
Pintle-Mounted HMG (360), Pintle-Mounted MMG (left arc) (15pts), Pintle-Mounted MMG (right arc) (15pts), Regular (99pts)

Profile Summary:

Name Morale Ref
Regular 9
Veteran 10

Name TypeDamage ValueTransport Tow Ref
M26 Pershing Tracked VehicleHeavy Tank 10+ - -
M3 Half-track Half-tracked vehicleArmoured Carrier 7+ 12Light or medium howitzer Light, medium, or heavy AT gun Light AA gun

Name Range ShotsPenetrationSpecial Rules Ref
Automatic Rifle 30" 2 n/a -
Bazooka 24" 1 +5Team, Shaped Charge
Flamethrower (Infantry) 6" D6 +2Team, Flamethrower
Heavy Howitzer (0/24") - 72" 1 HETeam, Fixed, Howitzer, HE (3D6)
Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) 36" 3 +1Team, Fixed
Medium Machine Gun (MMG) 36" 4 n/aTeam, Fixed
Rifle 24" 1 n/a -
Submachine Gun (SMG) 12" 2 n/a Assault
Super-heavy AT gun 84" 1 +7Team, Fixed, HE(D3)

Roster Rule Summary:

* Air Superiority: null
* Fire And Manoeuvre: null
* Gyro-stabilisers: null

Selection Rule Summary:

* Co-axial Weapon: A coa-axial can be fired instead of the vehicle's main weapon, but not at the same time - the player must choose either to fire the main gun or it's co-axial weapon.
* Crew (2)
* Crew (4)
* Fixed: Cannot be fired under an advance order
Can only target units at leat partially in their front arc
* Gyro Stabilized
* HE (2D6): Hits are multiplied by the modifier
Hits against infantry that reacts going Down are halved rounding down
If able to fire both HE and Anti-tank, when firing from Ambush, must specify which round is loaded
2D6 Hits, D3 Pin Markers, +3 PEN
* Open Topped: Can be Pinned by small arms fire
If damaged by assaulting infantry, open topped vehicle are Destroyed automatically
If hit by indirect HE fire, add +1 to PEN AND +1 to damage rolls
* Shaped Charge: Suffers -1 on all rolls to hit
Never suffer -1 penalty at penetration for firing at long range
* Sniper: When firing under Fire or Ambush orders only:
Range is 36" and hits at +1
Can target a specific model as per Exceptional Damage
Ignores all penalties for cover
Ignores the Gun Shield rule
* Team Weapon: A minimum of two crew is required to fire at full effect. If only one crew is left, fires at -1 to hit and has -1 morale

Created with BattleScribe (

Beiträge: 6054
Registriert: Mi 7. Sep 2011, 00:47
Spielsysteme: Bolt Action, Lion Rampant, Warhammer, XWing_v1, Spectre, Horus Heresy, Mortal Gods, Cruel Seas, Musket&Tomahawk, Silver Bayonet, Rebels & Patriots
Wohnort: Hammersbach

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Zigor » Mo 3. Nov 2014, 11:16

danke fürs posten...
immer wieder erstaunlich, dass du auf die air-observer-boni verzichtest :D
p.s. der pershing ist als Vet unverschähmt günstig...
Hätte Jesus eine Knarre gehabt, würde er heute noch leben
Homer Simpson, Staffel 24, Folge 9

Beiträge: 1265
Registriert: Di 27. Mär 2012, 17:00

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Cavian » Mo 3. Nov 2014, 11:19

Weil ich damit noch nie wirklich Glück hatte

Beiträge: 6054
Registriert: Mi 7. Sep 2011, 00:47
Spielsysteme: Bolt Action, Lion Rampant, Warhammer, XWing_v1, Spectre, Horus Heresy, Mortal Gods, Cruel Seas, Musket&Tomahawk, Silver Bayonet, Rebels & Patriots
Wohnort: Hammersbach

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Zigor » Mo 3. Nov 2014, 11:22

ach komm.. du würfelst doch 5en und 6en wie ich 1en mit den StuGs :lol:
Hätte Jesus eine Knarre gehabt, würde er heute noch leben
Homer Simpson, Staffel 24, Folge 9

Beiträge: 1265
Registriert: Di 27. Mär 2012, 17:00

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Cavian » Mo 3. Nov 2014, 11:34

Ne nie beim Observer meistens 2er :)

Beiträge: 2953
Registriert: Do 29. Mär 2012, 22:24
Spielsysteme: Bolt Action, Battlegroup, Warhammer Fantasy/TOW, W40k
Wohnort: Freigericht

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Krautwerk » Mo 22. Dez 2014, 16:37

Für Cavian...
weil sein Angriff gestern im deutschen 7,5cm Geschützfeuer liegen geblieben ist.
Wir sehn uns in der Normandie wieder. ;) :)

"To each officer and soldier in the Third United States Army, I Wish a Merry Christmas.
I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle.
We march in our might to complete victory. May God's blessings rest upon each of you on this Christmas Day."

(G.S. Patton, Jr, Lieutenant General, Commanding, Third United States Army) December 1944
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is courage to continue that counts." (Winston Curchill)

Beiträge: 1265
Registriert: Di 27. Mär 2012, 17:00

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Cavian » Mo 22. Dez 2014, 17:55

Sau geil danke stefan :)

Beiträge: 6054
Registriert: Mi 7. Sep 2011, 00:47
Spielsysteme: Bolt Action, Lion Rampant, Warhammer, XWing_v1, Spectre, Horus Heresy, Mortal Gods, Cruel Seas, Musket&Tomahawk, Silver Bayonet, Rebels & Patriots
Wohnort: Hammersbach

Re: Cavian Us Army

Beitrag von Zigor » Mo 22. Dez 2014, 19:59

Hätte Jesus eine Knarre gehabt, würde er heute noch leben
Homer Simpson, Staffel 24, Folge 9
