Spectre Operations 2nd Edition

Bolt Action, Lion Rampant, Muskets & Tomahawks, Battlegroup, Pike & Shotte und Co.
Beiträge: 6054
Registriert: Mi 7. Sep 2011, 00:47
Spielsysteme: Bolt Action, Lion Rampant, Warhammer, XWing_v1, Spectre, Horus Heresy, Mortal Gods, Cruel Seas, Musket&Tomahawk, Silver Bayonet, Rebels & Patriots
Wohnort: Hammersbach

Spectre Operations 2nd Edition

Beitrag von Zigor » Mi 26. Dez 2018, 15:56

Its a Christmas Miracle!

Happy Christmas to all, and just as exciting to us we would like to officially announce Spectre Operations 2nd Edition! The revised rules will be available in the first quarter of 2019; all the aspects players love remain, with a few updates in response to the player feedback and testing over the last 2-years of the game being played. The combat system remains the same – brutal and bloody with utmost realism, with some improvements:

· Improved rulebook layout and flow for beginners to learn easily and reference, as well as more depth and tactical options for the experienced player.

· Updated Suppression System – faster flowing, easier to track and enhancing the depiction of troops taking heavy fire.

· Updated vehicle combat system – a penetration mechanic means vehicles can play a greater role – but – are still vulnerable to infantry, anti-tank weapons and other vehicles.

· Updates to the core rules means the system is more able to handle larger games, without a loss of realism or intense gritty, in-depth firefights; Spectre: Operations is all-round better!

A sample of other additions:

· Electronic Warfare – Jam your enemies comms, feed them misinformation and prevent IEDs going off...

· Drone Warfare – cutting edge unmanned vehicle combat using the latest technology and off the shelf, jerry-rigged drones for militia forces…

· Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive events – dirty bombs, chemical weapons and the means to detect and dispose of these hazards…

· New Off Table Assets – kinetic and non-kinetic OTAs offer wider alternatives in bringing the heat...

· New and improved scenario and environmental rules – more weather, battlefield effects as well as night and dawn/dusk rules….

· New kit and equipment - of course!

· A campaign system to allow players to create scenarios, situations and their own task forces to develop their force as the story unfolds…

Plus much more

Merry Christmas!
Hätte Jesus eine Knarre gehabt, würde er heute noch leben
Homer Simpson, Staffel 24, Folge 9

Beiträge: 432
Registriert: Mo 27. Nov 2017, 15:33
Spielsysteme: BattleTech (House Kurita, Draconis Combine)
40K (Death Guard 2000 pkt. + Thousand Sons)
Wohnort: Altenstadt

Re: Spectre Operations 2nd Edition

Beitrag von Buddha1985 » So 19. Mai 2019, 10:06

Hi, wolte mal hier was dalassen :D Ich fand das Demospiel von Thorben gestern sehr gut, das System hat so viele Möglichkeiten gespielt zu werden, das macht Spass.

Ihr könnt mich gerne jetzt öfter mal als "Interessiert" betrachten, wenn jemand im Treff dann eine Runde zum Spielen anbietet. Habe so viele Ideen, wie ich mal die Szenarien angehen kann.
Magnus did nothing wrong - Tzeentch wills it

Beiträge: 43
Registriert: Mi 9. Dez 2020, 21:37
Spielsysteme: Mortal Gods, Test of Honor, Musket and Tomahawk, Shakos and Bayonets, Bolt Action, Battlegroup, The Silver Bayonet, Cruel Seas, The Barons War, Lion Rampant, Scouts Out,
Wohnort: Maintal

Re: Spectre Operations 2nd Edition

Beitrag von PhilKraft » Mi 19. Jan 2022, 03:47

Ich melde mich auch mal mit Handzeichen für das System. Hab russische Söldner im Aufbau und ne große Truppe "Insurgents" in Petto die auf Farbe warten. Werde mir bei Zeiten noch das Regelwerk bestellen. Drück mich noch weil UK... UK sucks. Wenn das System ins Rollen kommt würde ich mich sehr gerne dranhängen.
